Austin Accent Reduction Classes
Advanced Accent Training (AAT) has offered in person and online accent reduction lessons or Southern dialect modification, across the great state of Texas, including Austin, Dallas, Houston, and San Antonio. Due to ongoing spread of new Covid 19 variants, RSV, and seasonal flu, we are currently offering mostly private videoconference accent lessons, and limited in person training. Outcomes are the same as in person meetings and many are finding the benefit of clear English in work related videoconference meetings. . We provide accent reduction lessons to foreign born professionals, many in the tech industry, and we also work with native speakers to reduce a Texas Southern regional dialect, and/or improve presentation skills.
AAT also provides speech improvement services including job interview prep and business writing. We’ve worked with companies such as Applied Materials, Cisco, Dell, Apple Computer, Oracle, Philips, and more. We also assist undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Texas with improving presentations and accent classes online or in person.
What To Expect From Austin Accent Reduction Classes
1) Feedback about your accent
The easiest way to get started is to call for your complimentary accent screening. We will provide detailed feedback about your foreign accent or dialect, and recommend specific areas of your speech to improve.
2) Speak English clearly in 3-7 weeks
In as few as 3 weeks, you can learn to improve your English speaking ability, and gain the confidence that you need for your ongoing job success.
Why Choose Us
At Advanced Accent Training (AAT), our clients have found that an experienced coach makes a significant difference in achieving personal communication goals. Our lead accent coach and director, Jon Berton, M.A.-SLP, has worked with over five thousand foreign-born professionals and students to maximize their goals for successful communication. Jon is married to a native Texan and has frequently visited Austin for over twenty five years.
Accent Class Locations
AAT headquarters was in Atlanta, GA for twenty years, but we are excited to announce that we opened our Austin, Texas office in June 2022. We have gotten off to a great start with record numbers in Texas signing up for training! Stay tuned for our Dallas, Texas location in 2024.
We use the latest HD video-conference platforms, for online lessons, that achieve the same effective outcomes as in person meetings. As always, we continue to offer online accent training, communication coaching, presentation skills, to our clients worldwide.